De keurmeesters stellen zich voor!

Dit jaar vindt onze áltijd gezellige NCDH kampioenschapsclubmatch plaats op maandag 29 mei, 2e pinksterdag, bij Kv Nieuwegein. We voelen ons zeer vereerd en zijn er trots op dat de volgende 2 zeer gewaardeerde rasspecialisten uit Engeland en Nieuw Zeeland bereid zijn om deze dag ons ras te komen keuren:
- Mrs. Carla Peck (NZ) keurt de reuen
Mrs. Janet Saunders (UK) keurt de teven
We stellen ze bij deze graag aan jullie voor:
Mrs. Carla Peck (NZ)
As a child, my family had German Shepherds as family pets but I always wanted a "Dalmatian" so when I brought my first home, a Dallie was the very next purchase. Now nearly 30 years later, a big part of my life is still my dogs and the satisfaction they give me. Besides Dalmatians I have also shared my home with Weimaraners, Shiba Inu, French Bulldogs and Samoyeds.
Cristabo Dalmatians
Dalmatians are my passion and in the early days I was lucky enough to be mentored by the late Val Beggs of the renown Kalesha Dalmatians. Cristabo now includes Bronwen Munro and Suzanne McKandry and together we have established a recognisable type known for quality in temperament, health and of course good looks true to the Dalmatian standard. We have imported dogs from Norway, Canada, and Australia and utilised bloodlines from Europe, UK, Australia and USA, and of course NZ in our breeding programme. Cristabo has also exported internationally and the Cristabo lines can be found in Canada, Sweden, Germany, Australia and New Caledonia.
In New Zealand, Cristabo Dalmatians consistently feature in the ribbons winning All Breeds In Show awards, Group awards and Specialty Best and Age In Show awards. Top winning dogs include the 2010 NZKC National Best in Show winner Grand Champion and Specialty Grand Champion Cristabo Xmas Cracka, Supreme Champion Cristabo Tails By Candlelite and the first ever Dalmatian bitch to achieve a Specialty Grand Champion title CH Cristabo Midsumma Ntes Dream.
My involvement in judging has taken me to Norway, Canada and Australia to judge both my breed at Specialty level and Group 7 at Champ show level.
~ Carla Peck, Cristabo Dalmatians
Mrs. Janet Saunders (UK)
I live in Wales and I first owned a pet Dalmatian in 1992 named Dylan. A year later I rescued my second, and in 1995 I had my first show dog from the Tyrodal kennel and Dallydyl kennel was born.
I have only bred 7 litters since then, but I am proud to have bred champions in Uk, United States and Europe. I have owned 5 liver and 5 black spotted Dalmatians and currently enjoying success with my young liver girl.
I have judged Dalmatians at Championship level since 2016 and this will be my 4th overseas appointment. I am honoured to have been invited to judge your show at such a special occasion and look forward to meeting your beloved Dalmatians.
~ Janet Saunders, Dallydyl Dalmatians
We hopen dat deze 2 geweldige keurmeesters op veel inschrijvingen mogen rekenen! Samen met de WAFDAL gaan we ons uiterste best doen om een geweldig mooie show voor jullie neer te zetten.
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